Kitaron ERP & MES system for Engineering and Construction Manufacturing


Project industrialists in most cases, an off-site manufacturing facility its runs outside a company's life cycle, and all major business processes such as human resources, procurement, etc. are managed on the Company's site. These manufacturers have a significant need to manage information throughout the process in the supply chain and to receive a complete and accurate picture of the entire organization in real time.


The Kitaron ERP & MES system provides a world-class project-based manufacturing solution by integrating a project system with Kitaron's MES system, providing you with the ability to improve processes , achieve business efficiency and save on costs.


  • Project management - Full transparency of project resources, including assets, materials, employees, etc. The Kitaron ERP & MES system allows to easily and quickly managing complex projects and simplifies the project for success.


  • Cost Control - The Kitaron ERP & MES system provides tools for controlling project costs in order to obtain accurate real-time insights (such as planning and issuing budget approvals, ).


  • Resource Scheduling - Kitaron ERP & MES provides comprehensive project management that includes scheduling of material resources and human resources to enable the organization to organize and plan a comprehensive project plan and create tasks and milestones over the required timeline.
  • Sales Management - Kitaron ERP & MES provides built-in customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities including efficient quotation management and customer orders if you can track historical quotation / orders


  • Debt collection- Kitaron ERP & MES provides a tool for accurate and up-to-date billing throughout the project life cycle.


  • Data Analysis - Kitaron ERP & MES provides tools for real-time enterprise performance analysis, including cost analysis throughout the project lifecycle.




Kitaron ERP & MES for Project Manufacturers is the best business solution that provides flexibility and ability to increase company profitability by optimizing existing resources and the ability to grow and expand the software solution as the organization grows.